Disclosure policy

Disclosure policy

Toivo Group Plc complies with the EU's Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014 with amendments), the Securities Market Act (746/2012 with amendments), the obligation to disclose information imposed on companies listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland (“First North”) that are regulated by First North's and Nasdaq Helsinki Oy’s rules, and the company’s disclosure policy approved by the Board of Directors on 17 March 2021, as well as all other applicable laws and regulations.

Communication objectives and disclosure principles add

The aim of Toivo Group’s communication is to ensure that all market participants have sufficient, reliable and correct information about the company and its securities and factors that affect their value at their disposal. The company's aim is to act in a reliable, transparent and clear manner in all of its communications. The company communicates actively and transparently with all its stakeholders, regardless of whether the information is positive or negative for the company or its securities.

The official reporting language of the company is Finnish.

The official reporting language of the company is Finnish.
The obligation to disclose applicable to the company is divided into regular and continuous disclosure obligations. Regular obligation to disclose is defined as the obligation for a company to provide regular information on its performance and financial position. This applies to the publication of half-year financial reports, financial statements, annual reports, and financial statements bulletins. Continuous obligation to disclose means reporting on issues that according to the company’s own assessment may materially affect the value of the company's securities. The following principles are applied when issuing information to the market:
a. The information shall be published without undue delay.
b. Communication is consistent and precise to enable the recipient of the information to assess its impact on the company's financial situation and business.
c. All stakeholders receive information at the same time.
d. All releases are published on the company's website.
e. The material published under the company's obligation to disclose will be published in Finnish.

The company publishes information about its financial situation in accordance with a pre-announced annual schedule. The publication dates for the next financial year are announced before the end of the previous one.

Company releases add

The company publishes issues covered by insider information and the regular duty of disclosure and all other decisions and matters relating to company operations as company releases, as well as any other information the company is obliged to publish as company releases according to applicable laws and regulations.

The company publishes any undisclosed information relating to the company or its share that is sufficiently precise and which, if disclosed, is likely to have a significant effect on the value of the company's share as soon as possible in a company release.

The company's main communication channel is the company's website at sijoittajille.toivo.fi. All relevant information about the company will be published in Finnish via Nasdaq Helsinki Oy and on the company's website at sijoittajille.toivo.fi.

These include:

• Financial reports and business reviews quarterly
• Strategy changes
• Significant changes in the company's financial position and future outlook
• Significant orders and contracts received by Group companies
• Significant acquisitions, divestments and joint ventures
• Transactions between the company and its related parties that are not part of normal business, unless the transaction is apparently insignificant
• Significant investments
• Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors and the Management Team
• Change of auditors or a certified advisor
• Notices of general meetings and decisions taken by general meetings
• Other important issues that affect the business
• Other matters in accordance with First North rules in force at that time

Press releases add

The company can also publish business events in press releases. Press releases describe issues that do not meet the criteria of company releases but are judged to be news-worthy or otherwise of interest to the company's stakeholders. The CEO of the company is responsible for publishing press releases.

In addition to company and press releases, the company may publish topical issues on its website that are less relevant but communicate what is going on at Toivo to all stakeholders.

Financial targets and future outlook add

Toivo Group's Board of Directors defines the company's financial targets. The company publishes any changes to the previously published financial targets, either in a company release or in connection with the half-year report or the financial statements bulletin.

The company publishes its future outlook in connection with the financial statements bulletin and the half-year report.

Silent period and closed period add

The company observes a 30-day silent period before the release of any results during which the company's representatives do not meet with capital market or media representatives or otherwise communicate with them. The dates of the company's result releases are available on the company's website.

Toivo Group applies a 30-day closed period in accordance with MAR during which company management are not allowed to trade in the company’s financial instruments, debt instruments, related derivatives or other financial instruments on their own or a third party’s account.

Rumours, market estimates and information leaks add

Toivo does not comment on any rumours on the market, share price development, actions by competitors or customers or analyst estimates, except to correct clearly inaccurate information about the company's operations. The company also does not comment on any ongoing transactions. If information that may affect the share price is leaked outside the company, the company will publish a company release when the matter has been brought to the company’s attention.

Communication channels and responsibilities add

The company's main communication channel is the company's website at toivo.fi. All relevant information about the company will be published in Finnish via Nasdaq Helsinki Oy and on the company's website at sijoittajille.toivo.fi.

The CEO is responsible for Toivo Group's investor communications. Nordic Certified Adviser acts as the company's certified advisor in accordance with the rules of First North.