Key figures

Key figures

(EUR thousand)

Unaudited, unless otherwise specified

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Net sales 39,810 43,692 20,323 13,574 4,2501)
Rental income 7,509 7,205 3,914 2,67 3,2131)
Net rental income 5,008 5,383 2,975 1,979 2,3711) 1,325
Cash flow before change in working capital (FFO) 1,985 1,721 1,582 1,714 637
Fair value of investment properties 108,035 164,122 155,716 97,649 57,0221)
Investments in investment properties 5,445 19,843 47,317 34,002 18,3611)
Sales of investment properties 64,505 276 16,861 12,085 4,3311)
Interest-bearing net liabilities 47,373 102,687 92,306 40,215 24,033
Net asset value (NAV) 56,043 56,729 59,069 41,169 13,498
LTV ratio, % 43.9 62.2 59.3 41.2 42.1
Equity ratio, % 48.9 36.47 38.38 45.3 42.8
Net asset value per share (NAV/share), EUR2) 0.95 0.97 1.07 0.78 0.30
Growth in NAV per share, % -1.6 -9.8 38.5 158.5 75.2
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR2) 0.01 -0.08 0.22 0.24 0.11
Occupancy rate, % 92.3 97.0 98.40 98.9 99.0
Total lettable area of dwellings, square meters 18,404 34,052 22,501 6,776 13,006
Other total lettable area, square meters 14,210 14,893 15,304 17,784 19,582

1)= Audited

2)= Reverse split of shares as decided by the Annual General Meeting of the company on 22 April 2021 is taken into account in the number of shares.

Formulas for key figures add

Key figure Formula
Net rental income = Rental income - Management expenses
Cash flow before change in working capital (FFO) = Cash flows before change in net working capital and financial items - Interests paid- Income taxes paid
Fair value of investment properties = Investment properties + Investment properties held for sale
Gross investment in investment properties = Gross investment at acquisition cost basis
Disposal of investment properties = Sold investment properties at fair value
Interest-bearing net liabilities = Loans from financial institutions + Lease liabilities + Liabilities to related parties + Liabilities related to investment properties held for sale + Other financial liabilities and other non-current liabilities - Cash and cash equivalents
Net asset value (NAV) = Owner’s equity - Capital loans + Deferred tax liabilities - Deferred tax assets
LTV ratio = Interest-bearing net debt / Fair value of investment properties
Equity ratio, % = Total equity / (Total assets - Advances received)
Net asset value = Net asset value (NAV) / Number of shares at the end of the period
Growth in NAV per share = (NAV per share - NAV per share in the previous year) / NAV per share in the previous year
Earnings per share (EPS) = Net profit (loss) attributable to the parent company owners for the financial year as a weighted average of the number of outstanding ordinary shares (during the financial year), excluding any own shares held by Toivo
Occupancy rate = Rental income from real estate / Possible rental income at full occupancy rate x 100, (Dwellings that are at least 2 months old included in dwellings)

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