Toivo as an investment

Toivo as an investment

Toivo is a full-service real estate developer and active owner, always combining the best construction solution and user experience – and taking environmental considerations into account. Toivo's own team manages the entire lifecycle of the property, from undeveloped land to lease negotiations. This enables Toivo to create exceptional value for its shareholders and stakeholders.

Why invest in Toivo?

1. Strong track record of growth and profitability development

Our business model, which spans the entire real estate development value chain, enables higher profitability and a broader revenue base than traditional real estate investment. Our unique business model enables us to capture the added value of the project development and construction phases, and as a result, the profitability of construction is very high, even on a Nordic level.
Our team consists of a skilled and experienced professionals with a strong track record in the real estate industry. Our team members have been involved in the development and construction of approximately 17,000 homes and have an average of ten years of experience.

Business development 2019-2024

EUR thousand

2. Housing portfolio focused on growth centers with strong value development prospects

In real estate development and ownership, we focus on residential and social properties in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Turku and Tampere with positive long-term rental and value growth prospects.

Our business model also does not require a costly in-house sales organization. In addition, our relatively new housing stock will limit renovation costs in the medium term, and our very high occupancy rate ensures a stable and good cash flow yield.

Occupancy rate, % 2019-2024

3. A project portfolio perfectly positioned for the major trends in the residential market

In addition to completed residential projects, we have a very significant project portfolio for a company of our size and a land portfolio of over 3,000 homes, which will support our growth prospects well into the future. Our project portfolio is also heavily concentrated in the attractive Helsinki Metropolitan Area (over 90% of the portfolio), and our projects are mostly located along good transportation links.

Business model

Read about our business model


Read about our strategy and financial targets