About us



Sustainability is an integral part of Toivo’s business

Sustainability is one of Toivo’s most important values and an integral part of its business. Toivo’s guiding principle is to use energy and natural resources as efficiently as possible without compromising the quality of its buildings and housing. In its business, Toivo considers the effects its choices have on the environment and all of the parties involved in the projects. Environmental and sustainability aspects are considered in the business throughout the life cycle of the project.

In terms of Toivo's business its biggest environmental impact is the construction of buildings and their energy efficiency during the life cycle of the property. Toivo has created a development program that ensures that all new properties are in energy class A.

Sustainability is also strongly present in Toivo’s work community and in the wellbeing of the personnel. Toivo focuses on an entrepreneurial culture where every employee feels that they are an important and integral part of Toivo’s business. It is important for Toivo to have low hierarchy to enable fast decision-making and support continuous personnel development. Toivo tries to reduce inequality and be as equal an employer as possible that treats its personnel and other stakeholders equally and respectfully.